I spoke to an economist who said there was no evidence of a poverty trap. And that people will leave their homes to move to areas with jobs. Or that they'll just reskill if their jobs vanish. Fucking ghouls.
My favorite one was when an economics professor told me that you should donate to homeless shelters in the next town over to solve the homeless issues in your area. Completely braindead.
Every econ professor sucks,
Signed, a PoliSci Professor
My dad claims to have a first hand account of an honest to god "welfare queen". Some time I'd like to meet this very real person his friend from work is married to.
the fact that she married gives big :doubt: vibes. its harder to claim benefits if youre married to someone with a job
When I was little my mom told me that most panhandlers make six figures and just pretend to be homeless
Protestant work ethic applied to the difficulty of having sex is a new one wtf.
Also where do lesbians figure in to this hierarchy of sexual laziness?
it’s easier to get gay sex than normal sex and only lazy men are gay