Happy New Years & other assorted holidays y'all. Movie to round in the New Year this Friday will be STALKER(1979). You are allowed to make two(2) vibeogane references during, no more.

Otherwise y'all know the drill. Post your favorite publicly posted or pirately hosted movie for Cytube Fridays. Top upvoted suggestions make the queue, and maybe get paired for a double feature.

Stop making bot accounts to vote with. Shit's lame. Also highly liberal. "Oooh, I'm vootin!I just can't get ebough vootin! My habits have numbed this qualia & I need vootin hyperstimulus!" - That's what you sound like. Do better. I reserve the right to suspend elections and just play Joe Frank radio programs instead.

Post the link if you can, makes things easier. Movies usually play 16:00 MSK & 04:00 MSK the next morning Cytube is a finicky beast and usually accepts Youtube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, GoogleDrive(requires plug-ins, ez pz)and occasionally others if it feels charitable that day. Here’s the manual

Shout out to the Cytube Crew, my cat Dewey, and Vaccines. Seriously, get your boosters. Omicron real shit, hacking out phlegm casts of my lungs rn.

  • Mabbz [he/him]
    3 years ago

    going to be honest, i want to see reds 1981 but i want to make a good promo for it so im not going to nominate it for tmrw

    you guys would probably like bonnie & clyde though