El yucateco :lets-fucking-go:
I got a two liter bottle of the Mayan recipe for Christmas and it might be my fave gift of the year
Yeah here’s the one you have: https://www.foodservicedirect.com/el-yucateco-green-habanero-hot-sauce-67-63-fluid-ounce-2-per-case-23015945.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAlMCOBhCZARIsANLid6beCT6kMIgscAJBd-q2VCVEWGeUpzecikF0I04UHmgkrbpWB8nou6kaAo1ZEALw_wcB
So flavorful and it still packs a punch!
Perfect on bland tamales btw!
That tofu scramble looks 10/10 Kanna. Did you use that sulfur salt stuff? What kind of flatbread is that?
I just made that flatbread today. It turned out pretty good I think. It isn't too different from naan :> I guess most flatbreads are "not to different from naan" anyway.
Haven't gotten to try black salt yet, still waiting for it to be delivered.
I usually make this https://www.pickuplimes.com/recipe/herb-garlic-homemade-vegan-naan-64
And for yoghurt I just blend some tofu, salt, and lemon juice, which is also my goto for "sour cream" as well. I've tried making cashew yoghurt and other sorts but none are as quick and tasty to me. I think I'll use your recipe for everyday flatbread.
Looking good! Not vegan myself but I do love some good tofu. My partner can't digest meat so we cook it a lot - ive asked her about tofu scrambles in the past and she said she has a really hard time getting the texture down when she tries.
How did you prepare yours? It looks like you nailed it!