EDIT: 3 people shot according to CJ TV on woke stream. One arm blown partially off, one shot in the head. Happened right next to a hospital.

Might be the same shooter. He shot someone in the head, ran off, people chased him, he fell on his face running down the street, and shot two people trying to get him. One in the chest, one in the arm.

    4 years ago


    Rest in power.


    Autonomous orgs are going to be working as underground guerrilla structures for community self-defence and mass work. Until the vanguard takes direct control of anti-electoral action, agitation will be kept proportionate, and we will be able to make effective appeals for internationalism while minimizing excess violence during the revolutionary opener.

    Everyone is in a larger amount of danger after tonight and this will continue to escalate. You have to become even more serious. Nothing is safe. Your best defence is having comrades who will be able to speak up if you go missing.

    If you have not already joined an org, your group chat or running group or Discord friends can also function as an autonomous self-defence collective.

    Your collective doesn’t need to be political to start, it is better if it isn’t explicitly, but be open about your fears and emotions and experiences, they are ultimately coming for all of you, so you need sympathizers. Do this before American media manufactures consent for what’s next.

    Comrades should record videos of their experiences and share them widely. You are appealing for protection. You are terrified of white supremacist violence. You have done nothing wrong but now live in fear of real state terror and fascism. They are coming for all of us. Libs will play into this performatively but let them do it.

    This would be a very good trend to start on TikTok.

    Becoming very sympathetic characters right now reduces the amount of violence that will be directed to the masses and improves your odds of a successful revolution in the imperial core dramatically.