The scariest thing about Don’t Look Up is that as absurd as it is, it barely exaggerates. Much of our political elite are just as greedy and foolish, our media just as vapid, and our response to impending disaster exactly as mind-bogglingly irrational as in the movie.
So if the libs are figuring out that their precious institutions are hopelessly corrupted and people are too misinformed to address anything even if there was a mechanism to do so, does that mean they'll follow the vanguard, or are they just going to watch depressing movies like they've been watching Jon Oliver complain between jokes that aren't funny?
Eco-nihilism in the imperial core until the supply chains run dry and material conditions for the average worker deteriorate even further. I agree with Matt’s take, the social contract of neoliberalism is that you don’t get to make any decisions at all but the treat line is endless so you can replace those political decisions with decisions about which type of Netflix slop you like