• TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Doesn't DC get snow regularly?

    For a place that's used to snow this really is nothing. Bonus points for driving while taking a pic.

    If this were Texas then shut everything down because no one there knows how to drive on snow with all seasons in heavy pickups/SUVs. But in DC this shouldn't even be a noteworthy amount of snow.

      • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Completely agree on all counts, but a light POS corolla on all seasons actually probably does better stopping-distance wise than an unnecessary rear wheel drive pickup with nothing in the bed that I imagine many southerners drive.

        I find if you can afford the up-front cost of snow tires and a cheap set of steel rims so you don't have to get the rubber taken off the wheel every time then it's not actually more expensive to get winter tires even if storage is a slight pain. Because your all seasons last longer since you aren't using them for a few months per year.

        People not used to snow driving generally under-estimate the momentum a heavy vehicle has in any sort of snowfall.