Which tends to come first? I truly don't know, because considering the overlap on places like 4chan/8chan, Quora, and Reddit, I really wonder which the :le-pol-face: start with and which one is picked up later.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Pedophiles seek out power and authority so they can take advantage of it to further their desires, so I think it's a Pedo to Fascist pipeline

    Sort of like how cult leaders invariably turn out to be sex pests

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Sounds like how :libertarian-approaching: tend to want to diddle kids to begin with then find the political ideology that says it's okay to do so.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I remember when :trump-anguish: was first running against :hillgasm: one of the most common :le-pol-face: rallying cries around their god emperor was "He will make anime real!" and as soon as the election was over, they said "We elected a meme!" :so-true:

          Chan culture is all about being "ironic" until it's safe to be otherwise. I wonder how many :thicc-trump: voters from the :stupidpol: demographic really did imagine some brave new world where they'd get assigned child tradwife slaves.

          It sounds absurd, I know, but then again :jordan-eboy-peterson: , famously against social safety nets and basically government doing anything but killing and spying on people, once said that maybe :le-pol-face: may have to be assigned government "girlfriends" so they'd stop shooting up schools and so on.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I was :LIB: enough to have high high hopes, :pete: style, that after Obama was elected, that the Dubya years were over and that the post 9/11 madness was finally at an end.

              I don't recall any of my fellow Obama enthusiasts in my social circles being THAT into him, though. The "god emperor" thing seems more :frothingfash: than :maybe-later-kiddo: .

              But then again there WERE and STILL ARE :hillary: stans with donut emojis on their tweets that might fit your description.

              • FlakesBongler [they/them]
                3 years ago

                Had a guy in one of my classes who was sure that Obama was gonna end the war in Afghanistan, we just had to make sure to vote extra good

                Time is a flat circle resting on the back of a colossal, yet indifferent turtle

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        You ever want to get real depressed, look up some stories from ex-mormons

        Whole religion is basically designed for dudes to be able to abuse their families and get away with it

        And that's not even getting into the polygamist splinter cells out in the sticks