Are we all in agreement? Is the lathe even involved with this one?

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Is it the funniest outcome? Signs point to yes, but don't misunderstand the GOP's performative dissatisfaction with Biden as being evidence of material willingness to rock the political boat. They are fossils that crave the status quo no matter how much they pretend to hate it.

    • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I'm wondering if they'd "hold him ransom" with a bunch of policy demands, which he'd performatively refuse but then do anyway. Libs can claim he stood his ground ("So brave!"), conservative ghouls can claim they gave him a reasonable chance ("More than they gave Trump!") and get their policies enacted anyway, chuds within the GOP can claim dissatisfaction about the ultimatum and still get elected on popular outrage ("I would have killed and eaten him!"). Everyone wins. Except the majority of people.

    • StuporTrooper [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Does the GOP really crave the status quo? I'd say the Democrats do much more so with their "incremental change" that amounts to nothing. The modern GOP wants their white ethon-state back and anything in between is gommunism.

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Eh, the GOP isn't a total monolith. Don't get me wrong, they have much better solidarity between themselves than the Democratic Party does between itself, but there's definitely a divide between the old school "I just wanna wring dry the working class and pump that money towards my donors and then go grill" Republicans and the new "jewish space lasers" Republicans. The former's interests are indistinguishable from capitalists' and so would only want an ethnostate if the capitalists want it (which they do, but not as an active goal, or we'd be in outright fascism with death camps for all non-whites already) whereas the latter I think would actively drive towards an ethnostate, ahead of the pack. The latter actually means it when they say that everything left of Reagan is socialist antifa anarchocommunism, whereas for the former, they don't really believe it, they just say it because it's required to get their base angry and voting.