“the overwhelming number of death [sic] over 75% occurred in people who had at least 4 comorbidities, so really these are people who were unwell to begin with, and yes really encouraging news..."

mask off moment by cdc, come on man :biden-troll:

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    don’t remember exactly when but there was a creepy sea change.

    I feel like a lot of how completely fucking insane the beginning of the pandemic has been lost to time, even among people who were there. The discourse I saw freaked me out so badly because it confirmed that I wasn't even just cynical - Americans as a whole, the people I shared my country with, are completely insane

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Americans as a whole, the people I shared my country with, are completely insane

      Election day approaches faster and faster.

      My hunch is that in ~2 months liberals will start saying “Considering the morality rate…” and “Comorbidities were present so…” to defend Biden's "new normal" approach to the virus. In places like r/politics I'll say to them "I dunno - it doesn't seem fair to me teachers, nurses, essential workers and the like are expected to die as Biden's infantry fighting the virus. Also - why didn't Biden use the federal government to give out free masks and tests since 2020?..."

      I'm - cough - dying of curiosity how they'll reply.

        • inshallah2 [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          One guy mentioned morality rates so I called him a ghoul and then I referred to him as Mr. Morality Rate. I think he actually was stung by the comments. Not because they were brilliant on my part but I assume he lives in an ideological bubble - particularly on the net.

          He said something to me like "I don't feel the need to talk to you." He left the thread for about a month. If I'm about him on right serious issues he basically only talks to people who think and talk like him. I suspect I was the first person on the net he talked to who wasn't having any of his ghoul bullshit.

          I don't know where that guys lives. Maybe Belgium or a nearby country. I don't know how he'd define himself but he sure stank of fash to me. My wild guess is that ~40% of the active posters are non-American.

          It's a very weird thread. The most vociferous republicans apologists in the thread are not American. Some people I know to be American popped in 2020 and they said "Too much politics" and never came back.

      • pasta [he/him]
        3 years ago

        "I’m - cough - dying of curiosity how they’ll reply."

        https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/rys2lq/dick_cheney_should_be_in_jail_not_praised_as_a/ Here's a thread that'll give you a hint. Liberal after liberal defending Cheney and shitting on anyone even remotely on the left saying 'maybe we shouldn't shake a war criminals hand.'


        • inshallah2 [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          My favorite thing is this "Well, actually..." thread...

          So, who called him a hero? The article doesn't say.

          There’s been a ton of media coverage of a recent Cheney trip to Washington https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/06/us/politics/cheneys-jan-6.html

          Okay. But who called him a hero?

          Hint: no one

          • pasta [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Pelosi: “We were very honored by his being there. He has a right to be on the floor as a former member of the House. I was happy to welcome him back, and to congratulate him on the courage.”

            Adam Schiff: “I look forward to the day when we get back to a Republican Party that’s once again a party of ideas and ideologies.”

            something something moderate wing of fascism (not that these two clowns are particularly moderate but point stands lol)

            edit: holy shit what an idiot: "This is actually a perfect example of why Progressives don't do well in Democratic politics - in order to win, you sometimes need alliances of convenience. Even if you don't really like each other, at this moment there is something you can do to help, so I'll take that help and run with it."

            • inshallah2 [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              Adam Schiff: “I look forward to the day..."

              The most powerful dems are naïve beyond belief and dumb as fucking rocks. For me it's kind of awe-inspiring.

              Here's something one of us would use as a joke yet they're serious - their account name...
