oops. No wonder so many pedo at the top

    • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
      3 years ago

      pedophiles may not have control over the fact that they are attracted to kids, but they are responsible for whether or not they act on it

      Read the whole thing before getting mad. The screenshots of the article defends pedos who know their attraction is wrong and want therapy to prevent acting on it. It's better than them being in denial about it and then acting on opportunity one day and harming a child. People with legit mental issues who might have even been abused themselves as kids and all fucked up from that.

      Not about defending pedos who want to harm children or have harmed them without remorse. Not child abusers who are pedos. Not child abusers who aren't exclusively attracted to children but do it because they have the power to.

      Don't take anything Ian Miles Chong says seriously. He's chud. Original gamergater incel type.