• WithoutFurtherBelay
    8 months ago

    I always thought the overlap of right-wing hentai people and right wing “porn addiction is Satan” people was a little weird. Like whole swathes of people getting angry about porn addiction and then sharing and tweeting porn.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      8 months ago

      They have a normal interest in sex but they've been brutally conditioned to hate and fear sex, and they try to resolve the cognitive dissonance by projecting their self hatred on to everyone else.

      Like that's literally what porn addiction is; Weird Christians think about boobs a normal amount of the time, but they've been taught that ever thinking about boobs ever means they're evil sinners who are going to hell, so they've decided that thinking about boobs a normal amount of the time means they're addicted to pornography. And in cases of people who do look at boobs more than is necessarily a good idea, some of them are there because they think looking at a few boobs means they're going to hell, so why not go for broke and look at boobs all the time? They have no cultural model for healthy amounts of boob thinking so they end up on extremes, and both extremes are defined by misogyny and self hatred and the anger that results from their perceived lack of control and piety.

      This is a consistent thing with christian fascist, Mormon, Catholic moralism. They're told that thinking about boobs and actual literal murder are both crimes of equal significance, and it totally fucks up any kind of moral compass they might have because they're constantly thinking they're going to go to hell because they noticed someone has a really sexy beard. They've been told everything is evil, and they believe it and everyone around them in their culture also seems to believe it, so they end up ironically unable to distinguish between good and evil, and just think everything is evil. And the Protestants do it, too; Witness Terf Islands bizarre campaign to enforce heterosexual sex in the missionary position as the only allowable sex, and everything else is banned because (British noises).

      I think it's "What no harm-based ethics does to a MF" to an extent. They evaluate ethics and morality based on bad translations of a book written by and for people in a completely alien social context and tie themselves in to knots trying to make their poorly understood ideas about that book conform to the modern world.

    • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
      8 months ago

      My few months on twitter have taught me that 90% of twitter argumenta boil down to who will call the other a porn addict first.

      • WithoutFurtherBelay
        8 months ago

        Does this mean “gooners” are the ultimate twitter arguer?

        • GinAndJuche
          8 months ago

          They enter a mentat trance if they manage to edge long enough. They can imagine entire possibility chains for arguments before they even drop the bait.

          • D61 [any]
            8 months ago

            Kwisatz Masterbator-rach

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      This is how I feel about Qanon, a supposedly anti-pedophilia movement, having its start on 4chan, a forum operated and used by pedophiles.

      • WithoutFurtherBelay
        8 months ago

        porn addiction is when you touch yourself in a gay way
        “free thinking” is when you touch yourself to big tiddy anime woman while uttering slurs

        pedophilia is when you have gay sex
        “free thinking” is when you touch yourself to pictures of literal children


    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      8 months ago

      Its the standard Born Again Christian trope. Not enough to simply say that you're against fapping for reasons. You need to claim an entire story arc around your fall, hitting rock bottom, empathizing with your fellow removed, finding the One True Path to salvation, and then rebuilding yourself in this brand new superior self-image.

      You cannot truly condemn Hentai until you have been consumed by it and shat out the other side, dusted off by Jesus Christ himself, and rehabilitated into his most Righteous Satan-Killing Supersoldier.

    • D61 [any]
      8 months ago

      fry All I see is a circle.