I love to come here, I love to be among other leftists, but holy shit y'all have to stop posting over the top terrifying titles all the time for your posts. I'm lucky enough that I'm relatively stable in my employment and I can float by on anti anxiety medication and shit.

But when you post things like THE LEFT IS FUCKED and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE on here, you are not helping people. That kind of thing can really fuck up someone's day or night or week, and you can put someone who's already pretty anxious on edge even further. And given that we're all a bunch of left-wing overly smart overly anxious people anyway, I can guarantee that ruins someone's day. And not in a good way, it can send them in a spiral of depression or anxiety, or can make it worse. And DOES make it worse.

Maybe you sincerely feel this way. I get it. I want to be able to support you and I want you to still be able to be heard and speak up. I want you to still post. I want you to post threads. But please think about what your title is first? Think about how it will impact other people? It really can make a huge difference.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 年前

    For sure. We'll see where things go with this kid. If he gets away with it then there's going to be an uptick in attacks by people that thing they too will get away with it. If he does not then I'm not so sure. He's made the gamble, others will be looking on to see whether the gamble is good or not.

    Even if he gets away with it, others will be considering "will anyone else be able to do this again without getting lit up?". One of the people that tried to disarm him had a handgun and didn't use it. I think it's very unlikely anyone will just attempt a take down so lightly again. The reaction to the next incident will be quite different as everyone is thinking through how wrongly it was handled, armed people on the scene should have brandished and demanded he disarm, if he then tried to brandish back at them he would have been lit up. The reaction was all wrong. This will change with more collective experience. The perpetrators of these acts of violence know this.