For those not aware, a music video by “Ness and Stilla” called “Harbu Darbu”, which has no pretenses of what Israel intends to do with the people of Gaza, has been making waves and hitting top charts in the completely normal, democratic society known as Israel. The original cut was so racist (including verses of “goat-f*cking Arabs”) that it needed to be watered down just a bit.

Comments like this are actually quite common in Israeli media nowadays, since there’s now a lingering awareness that most of the world sees them for what they anre and detests them. Instead of introspecting why that is, they throw tantrums and flaunt their unearned sense of superiority as if they aren’t protected by the mightiest empire in the world (who they’re now growing to resent since said empire isn’t letting them deploy nukes to “finish the job”).

Also, of fucking course this comment is in Cyrillic. The Soviets were way too kind to Zionists in their midst and should have been a fraction as ruthless as they claimed they were.


  • Deadend [he/him]
    8 months ago

    If euro-vision wasn’t the last bastion of people voting in Europe, and was instead chosen by PMs.. Israel would win.