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  • Zodiark
    3 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • fusion513 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      This. Unironicallly, most people just wanna grill. :grillman: Like, more than half the population sees electoral politics as a waste of time. Historically, most common people in facist regimes aren't gung-ho party loyalists, they just want to live a normal, comfortable life. Hence why state violence and propaganda are such hallmarks - to violently force people to "get interested." It's all astroturfed support under duress.

    • riley
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The vast majority of Americans are unwitting fash sympathizers. They would never get off their ass to actually fight the left.

    The ratio isn't a million to one, but we are outnumbered vs. dedicated right wingers that would choose violence. Most US lefties are chauvinist libs that want socialized healthcare, they're not up for any kind of fight.

    This is why it's important to agitate and educate towards principled socialism that is aware of the past. Operation Gladio, the genocide of communists in Indonesia, and normalization of Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine are useful lessons in what happens when leftists are outnumbered / outgunned, when they do not adapt well enough to changing conditions. As conditions deteriorate, we need to be sure we are in parties that take active and realistic assessments of the current situation, make reasonable predictions, and operate safely.

  • dumbass2022 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    nah they're like cops or the military. they are paper tigers. take away their treaty treats, start returning fire and they will fold. their only allegiance is to corn syrup

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      3 years ago

      1000%. How many fascists (as in, not your typical MAGA chud but like, dude who marched at Charlottesville or looked at the coverage and wished they were able to) do you think are complete fucking treat-obsessed manchildren? Just a wet babybrained sack of suet LARPing with Nazi costumes on? With no conception of opsec at all? I would say 95% of them, if I was in my most pessimistic mood.

      They're certainly concerning in that they could reach a national prominence and get their views as mainstream and therefore bypass any need to try and do a fascist coup. This is actually the one advantage they have over us, is that they can actually achieve their goals by "democratic" means because capitalism is very much compatible with fascism. But the main enemy, for now at least, is the one we've always had - the bourgeoise and the ones who directly serve them. No point getting doomerpilled at these losers when we have the butchers of billions in high office to deal with first.

  • KermitTheFraud [they/them]
    3 years ago

    This is not a game with clear winners and losers. The US will Balkanize. Some areas will be controlled by Nazis. Some will be controlled by militant evangelicals. Utah will go straight to the Mormon church. Some areas may retain some contiguous infrastructure from their state government. Some may be controlled by communists. All we can do is try and establish a communist presence in our local areas and bolster it if it already exists

  • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Remember, like others are pointing out, that they all rely on a constant flow of Treats. Right now they're so powerful because they have an endless supply of Treats, falling right off a taxpayer-funded conveyor belt into their gaping maws. Now imagine if American society caved in and the conveyor belt stopped. If you cut off their supply lines, if they can't get their clammy fingers on their guns, body armor, or hell, food as easily as they usually can in their cushy suburban lives, they'll quickly buckle. Its not just a question of strength - the source of the strength is also important to consider.

    Edit: I should also point out that this applies equally to the police and military

  • solaranus
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 years ago

    they have all the guns

    That are overpriced and can't afford ammo for because they also created supply chain issues and their corporate greed prizes profits above arming everyone at an accessible price.

    they have all the people

    They don't. Most people don't give a shit about some yahoo in a polo shirt screaming the 14 words. They're just as small as we are, they just so happen to believe in capitalism and that gives the illusion that they're bigger. But capitalism always builds its own destruction.

    the internet has proved that nazis are almost universally beloved

    Nope. Again, because they share a common goal of capitalism, capitalism favors fascists, but that doesn't mean everyone loves them.

    No matter what the left does

    We haven't done anything. We haven't organized our workplaces, we haven't created parallel structures to capitalist institutions so that others don't have to rely on them, we haven't seized control of the state. We haven't done anything in the past 100 years that warrants saying we've tried everything and there's nothing else to do.

    They're always 50 billion steps ahead

    They are not. They are always lucky because the system makes them lucky. But they always bring about their own demise. We don't have to defeat them. They will defeat themselves and burn out. We just have to be ready with an alternative when that happens or we can hasten it through revolutionary action.

  • Vitnonourelow [any]
    3 years ago

    i think social media has a lot of bot spread propaganda that makes it seem like that.

    anyways, a good way of thinking about it is like Judo, mass/size doesn't matter if you use training & brains to flip it.

  • blight [any]
    3 years ago

    Even if that happens, we can always hope. :xi-plz::posadist-nuke:

      • vccx [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Fascism implodes when left to its own devices. Implodes along with everyone trapped inside, but still fundamentally unsustainable.

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Holy shit, calm down. Yeah, they might win a battle, but they won't win the war, because they are philosophically unable to accurately judge the strength of their enemies. Simple as.

  • serniebanders [he/him]
    3 years ago

    even if they win they can never win.. there always will be something someone in their way