I live in the boonies about an hour south of Chicago and am still, thankfully, working full time. So driving up and down every single day isn't feasible for me given traffic and roadblocks.

What can I do inside my community to help our cause? It feels like I'm just powerless, watching Twitter and the news in horror, and I hate it. I've always prided myself on the opinion that if I were alive in the 60s, I'd have been out there on the front lines. And here I am, doing dick, tied down by my job that I need to survive. I feel like a fraud and need to change that.

    4 years ago


    Are you an empathic person? Can you talk to your lib and chud neighbours in delicate terms and explore their feelings?

    Go knock on doors, and ask people how they felt about the pandemic. Share the fear you felt. Tell them you don’t trust the media or the internet anymore and wanted to talk to real people and learn what they think. This will build compassion and solidarity within the community and reduce the amount of violence dramatically. This will improve your social skills and your neighbours lives and ultimately save them from the nightmarish system they live in.

    A lot of you have tremendous weapons that you have not picked up and that are now going completely unused, often because you got psyop’d into letting the guns control your thinking about guerrilla weaponry.


    Are you white? Are you a man? (and so on) ... Are you not physically afraid of potentially meeting your suburban/rural neighbours (fascists, I can tell by the lawncare) who have been plunged into a hateful psyop? You have revolutionary identity weapons others do not.

    You must go and talk to your neighbours about their experiences. You must be willing to go as a missionary, armed with only the psy-weapons theory and praxis have taught you, and be completely unafraid of them. This will be a radical anthropological study, not overtly political or pulling on the class contradiction and always peaceful in nature.