There's a nice Yugopnik video about a "capitalism survival guide" that tries to help navigate a disillusioned worker in the modern hellscape. There are some two VERY important things that he brough up as tips to the modern worker:

  • Everyone is winging it. Regardless of the high expectations you see in job descriptions, you need to figure out how to bullshit your way past them: unless its something like a doctor, pilot, or engineer, you can probably learn the skills without getting a degree in them.

  • Work JUST enough, the employee that stays the extra hours and stuff doesn't always get the promotion. Depending on your work and position, working more might just be a net negative, as your extra mile becomes next time's bare minimum. This can then hurt your co-workers too, and as for you individually, you might suffer the curse of being the "go-to" guy. Ergo, extra work for you for the same pay as before.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Here are my top bear tips for surviving the neoliberal workplace:

    • Roar at those who encroach on your salmon hunting territory.

    • Eat plenty of berries to build your fatty layer for the winter