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  • goblinbehavior [she/her]
    3 years ago

    an old boyfriend of mine tried to get me into warhammer. the game was interesting to me and painting the figures was fun but actuallu playing it sucked. we would go to the only game store in town to play and i got swarmed by randos in the store who backseat gamered me and got wayyy too handsy. no sense of personal space at all

  • MerryChristmas [any]
    3 years ago

    This incredibly obnoxious dude in our group - a coworker of the DM that nobody really knew - kept rolling to slap people with his dick. He would make a big deal of announcing it and then rolling for non-lethal damage and he thought it was the funniest thing ever. Well when he announced a transphobic attack on my character, I rolled a reflex save. Natural fucking 20. I grabbed the dude's dick in midair and stuck it to the table with a fork. I made him give me his healing items and then I told him the next time he takes it out I'm keeping it.

    That campaign fell apart pretty quickly after that due to player infighting.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Discord game where an offhand comment about the USSR by the DM led to an absolutely bonkers rant by one of the players about the evils of communism. Highlights included:

    • In response to saying that capitalism fueled the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the enslavement of millions: "Africans enslaved themselves"
    • My comments about the massive rise in life expectancy in the USSR being completely ignored
    • The atrocities of the Dutch East India Company "were monarchism, not capitalism"
    • I pointed out that it was capitalism because capitalism is private ownership of industry with the goal of turning a profit, which he denied without any elaboration
    • African countries aren't poor because of neocolonialism but because they charge each other tariffs (or some kind of interstate transport fees, I had a hard time following his argument)
    • African colonialism only happened in South Africa (my followup description of the partitioning of Africa went ignored)
    • "I have an economics degree, I know what I'm talking about"
    • Him blaming the public school system for my "ignorance"
    • The DM making a valiant attempt to defend communism, having communist sympathies himself, but sadly being saddled with a lot of lib brainworms and clearly having read little if any theory
  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    3 years ago

    I was gonna play D&D, but then I got high

    I was gonna roll higher than 3, but then I got high

    Now someone's playing the role for me, and I know why...

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    played with nazis once online. didnt realize they were nazis until 4 sessions in where the dm was pressuring us into slaughtering a village full of goblins who were plainly supposed to be jewish people

  • SaniFlush [any, any]
    3 years ago

    I completely fucked up as a GM for an Eclipse Phase campaign by trying to accommodate several people who barely understood that it was a scifi horror setting, including one guy who wanted to be a high fantasy elf and another who wanted to be their fursona. I seriously should have just made a GURPS campaign at that point.

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Worst experience: Nothing super dramatic....but the DM was insanely "on rails" in his whole campaign. It was a superhero RPG tabletop game and he basically ran us through a campaign based on his original comic pitch. In theory that's fine but he inserted his main character into the story and frankly we started to feel like support crew for an NPC, and any attempts to sort of break out of his structure were met with the hand of god putting us back in our place. It was frustrating and we all eventually walked away.

    Best experience: Basically the exact opposite of the above. Lost touch with the DM for personal reasons but good god he could run a campaign and in general just wanted to make sure everyone had the best and most entertaining time. His prompt to us was "Make whatever you want, and make them broken as hell". We had in our crew: a timelord, an ewok sith lord, a saiyan, a cyberpunk gnome with ironman tech, an amazon with final fantasy materia and weapons, and the equivalent of what dexter morgan would be if he had a yellow lantern ring. We had guest players but that was the core crew and oh dear lord we ran roughshot over the multiverse. Seriously it was like a power fantasy wish fullfillment TV show and the DM was more then comfortable with us just flying off into the most absurd places and wreaking havoc for our own amusement.....and by god he could improv and roll with it.

    On one occasion we traveled to the marvel zombie universe and he set the scene by saying "A horde of zombies stands before with light cast from the full moon beaming down on them" at which point our saiyan player raised his hand and said "Uhhh.....Saiyan here.....full moons are kinda a big deal" and suddenly the DM lit up like a lightbulb and was like "OH FUCK....I didn't even......YES. You see the full moon and a primal instinct begins to take over. ROLL FOR AWARENESS TO SEE IF YOU GO INTO A BLIND MINDLESS UNCONTROLLABLE DESTRUCTIVE RAGE!!!!!" He rolled a nat 20 and spent the rest of the night as a 100 foot giant ape who was even more absurdly overpowered then he already was and we went and blew up galactus.

    Good times.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    In my most recent campaign (I like being DM, so I do it a lot) my party started off by killing off my planned-to-be-recurring Alex Jones character (they both beheaded and melted him with acid)

    Two games later, I brought him back as an undead and they burned him to ashes and then sent the ashes into space

    Three games after that, I brought him back as a cyber-demon under the thrall of the Big Bad and they nailed him with an orb of annihilation

    I have a little bit before the next game and I'm still trying to come up with another way to bring him back

    Thinking as some sort of Great Old One, Al'ux J'onnz of the Nightmare City of Aa'steen

  • Eris235 [undecided]
    3 years ago

    Probably my highlight was running a Wheel of Time campaign, using a homebrew FATE hack.

    So many things could have gone wrong, it was a college group with some people I didn't know the best, 2 of the 4 players hadn't read Wheel of Time, I hombrewed a bunch of stuff, and there was heavy use of prophecy and foreshadowing on my end that was more or less shots in the dark. But it ended up super tight in the way the party meshed, the plotlines played out, and had a very satisfying end. Just one of those lighting-in-a-bottle campaigns.

    TLDR on the party is a Noblewomen con-artist with minor channeling, a Bookish nobleman with powerful channeling, a disgraced Aielman channeler who refused to go into the blight and became the dragon to the Aiel's disguist, and a Swordmaster rogue.

    • fayyhana [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Wow I played in an almost identical campaign in college. I actually hadn't read Wheel of Time at the time, and our campaign wasn't specifically following the lore of WoT but it was heavily influenced by it. Unfortunately it fell apart before the main narrative arc of the campaign was fully realized, but it was just so fun roleplaying as an aes sedai. Our DM really nailed the political intrigue aspect of tower politics and the paranoia of watching out for darkfriends.

      I think at the end our party was a channeler who specialized in defensive spells, my character who was a channeler that was making ter'angreal, a blademaster, and a warder who got the soul of a djinn stuck in his head lmao.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My RPG group decided to play a new game, something more modern. We chose to play this supernatural noir-y game called City of Mist. It's a super rad game, had fun until this incident. Still a dope game regardless. Anyways, DM invited his homie to play, some STEM dweeb (I too work in STEM but am not a dweeb). An hour or so in, the party was about to into a brawl with some super crooked cops outside a fictionalize version of Baton Rouge and the dweeb was like "I don't feel comfortable with this RP'ing. Cops shouldn't be bad guys." He then tried to have his character try to stop us from fighting the baddies purely out of his own blue lives matter views rather his character motivation or something legitment and intellectually honest standpoint. It then devolved into a conversation where I (a black dude) an another black person (another player but not quite my friend or anything like that) had to explain to him that cops can in fact be bad. It ruined both the play session and I had to talk to the DM on the side afterwards to be like "I'm not coming to play if this dude is invited again. Invite if you want, it's your house, but i'm not gonna play if he's here."

    • UlyssesT
      2 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        3 years ago

        For real dude! 100% correct man, it's so weird that katz will play shit like Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, WATCH_DOGS, The Matrix , and find a way to want to protect the system.

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      3 years ago

      My DnD group kills cops/guards on principle, then again we are a bunch of leftist trans women.

  • Ithorian [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    My character ended up with a cock ring of control last session.

    My character is kinda a blowhard but he can almost always back it up. Anyway he got captured by a group of people he didn't stand a chance against. They slapped a collar of control on him but now they need him to basically infiltrate a group he used to know. They were talking about trying to make the collar smaller so it could stay hidden around my ankle or something. I pipe up "if it's too hard to make it that small my cock is bigger"

    So yeah now I have a cock ring of control. Not sure if that's my best or worse experience but it's one of the two.

      • Ithorian [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        The DM does lurk here and she's been thinking about running some one shots, so maybe?

          • Ithorian [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            She ran a holiday adventure for us where the plot was some rich guy bought out a famous local brewery and tried to start selling shit beer under it's name. The workers all struck so he summoned a demon to break strike and replaced the workers with kobald scabs.

            We got to kill everyone, exile the former owner who sold the brewery in the first place and turn it over to workers union.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    3 years ago

    my partner always wanted to try TTRPG and we played around with D&D 3.5 and d20 modern. soon she wanted to try to run a mini campaign with just me to practice on. so she's of course a great GM with tons of notes, characters, maps, and research and stats built and intricate plot lines. we're playing a modded d20 modern kind of dresden-files type supernatural modern game.

    so she's a great GM but isn't super familiar with the game balance and systems and overlooked some things. i'm not playing to "win" but RPing the best i can. my character was a supernatural investigator but kept a kit in their trunk with some conventional and anti-monster weapons. they sensed danger at the near completion of their investigation and went into an area packing the big guns. the big bad rouge mage comes out and i basically one shot them with a natural 20 and a G3 rifle. punched through all kinds of magic defenses that she put in place to make it a challenge. she didn't properly level scale the big bad to my character either because she was so into the investigative aspect of the campaign. plus modern weapons can really fuck shit up in arcane d20 games (more the fault of the game designers and balance).

    it sucks because she was really good and wouldn't GM again for like 5 years lol.

    • Eris235 [undecided]
      3 years ago

      You ever play the FATE Dresden Files game? D20 is great and all for combat games, but honestly the DF FATE rules are my go-to to mod for a game that isn't planned on being combat focused.

      • Des [she/her, they/them]
        3 years ago

        never have but i did mention it to her as an option when we were exploring other systems. it took us both so long to get comfortable with 3.5 era d20 that we stuck with it for a long time. then covid and...yeah

        • Eris235 [undecided]
          3 years ago

          Fair nuff. I do have a soft spot for 3.5, but man is it a sprawling system lol.