It’s exactly the type of thread you’d expect
Yeah that sub is worthless. It's literally people who say "defund the police is bad messaging!" Ignoring completely that it started as Abolish police then got watered down. It's not a "message" or a slogan you liberals, it is a driving belief that will not be watered down to make it more palatable.
Amazing how many people find Jesus on Abolish/Defund when they get an up close personal look at what the police are currently up to. Amazing how quickly the message losses steam when you make "The Debate" the focus of discussion rather than "The horrible things that the police are doing".
I'm a socialist, but that don't mean I understand anything about it, like say the distinction between 'personal' and 'private' property.
They're probably the "BOTE BLUE" kind of Socialists. I'm so fucking sick of reddit now.
Bernie sanders and the US definition of “socialism” has been a disaster for the human species
Blaming it on the feet of Bernie Sanders is pretty cringe. He is imperfect and a lib, but he raised class consciousness in America more than any other person this century.
I more meant that with the rise of Bernie sanders campaign there was a sharp rise of the misuse and deliberate manipulation of the meaning of socialism
Yeah but there was also a sharp rise in interest in socialism. However flawed it was, Bernie's moment in the spotlight did more to promote the cause of Socialism in America than anything since at least the 1970s. People associate Socialism with Cool Grandpa now and we've got an opportunity to teach them what socialism actually means, and what it can do for them. Bernie and the hundreds of thousands of people who volunteered and worked for that movement made that possible.
Yeah but I would honestly rather have liberals larping as socialists than how it was in the 90s and 2000s where anything communist was either not taken seriously or actively called the devil. Socialism used to be such a dirty word most people could never consider it.
Joe Biden announcing "I defeated the socialist!" but it's the Spongebob meme where Sandy beats up the Alaskan Bull Worm's tongue, and the rest of the worm is us.
the European definition isn't exactly marxism-leninism lol. See practically every western European socialist party that won an election in the 20th century.
True but Americans unironically run around saying “the U.S. military is socialist because it’s funded by the government”
We should absolutely be flooding these new subs with pushback.
Before they develop any sort of culture.
What's one downvote against 20,000 libs? There's some good frontline posting buried in those threads, but between all the astroturfing and fart-huffing at the moment it gets lost in the noise.
To have any success we need a cadre of posters to sort by new and jump on those posts with good agitprop before they get flooded
Alright sign me up
edit: if you reword dictatorship of the proletariate to "dictated by workers" they suddenly agree lol
shit does this make me post-left now rip
Workersstrikeback is a good place to educate and agitate, smaller but a left unity mod team
Reddit is literally what radicalized me (among many other factors but the old sub was instrumental)
And before than provided me with a whole lot of education. These platforms aren't permanent bastions of revolution they are just public spaces to agitate.
So the end goal is getting these armchair warriors on Reddit to do praxis. More impossible things have been accomplished in the past...
You can’t organize a bunch of anonymous ppl. Will never work. If we can’t organize here they def can’t organize on :reddit-logo:
i'm not going to make a fourth reddit account, sorry
maybe it's a confusion between private and personal property. But I doubt it.
You can argue that AOC is the left wing of fascism, because she's an electoralist who works within a bourgeois class and lends it her legitimacy.
You can argue that she's a misguided Succ who thought her position as a House Rep would afford opportunities for a two-front conflict with capital, but ended up pissing away every opportunity for empty promises delivered by House leadership.
You can argue that she's a Maoist insurgent plotting to strike when her capitalist handlers least expect it, and this is just brilliant 11D chess people on Twitter don't understand.
But all your arguments amount to nothing when the last four years haven't amounted to much. AOC's four year track record has been an absolute snooze.
AOC is the next Nancy Pelosi
I'll believe that when I see it. She's not some East Coast bagman.
Sorry, backing away from the lathe now.
America is a fascist country. There is little we could do worse than we've already done in my lifetime.
And Republicans don't need to openly quote Hitler. They can just quote Reagan to the same effect.
I don't think there's anything AOC can really do to alter our trajectory at this point, and I think it would be foolish to pretend she could. But she's in a position to rally folks in her own neighborhood. I'm mostly disappointed that she's been failing on that front.
You can argue that she’s a Maoist insurgent plotting to strike when her capitalist handlers least expect it, and this is just brilliant 11D chess people on Twitter don’t understand.
In the good old days of 2020 people unironically believed that about Bernie, "he is hiding his powerlevel so he can get elected" or something. I saw that sort of comment so many times on the old sub.
It could be, many people dont even know there's a difference because our education system sucks.
I'm a fucking socialist and I don't believe the means of production should be seized from the bourgeousie. We don't live under a rock. Doesn't make either of us capitalist. That's not even the meaning of capitalism.
Why are there so many people who built a Snoo instead of just like, uploading a JPG?
This strikes me as a kid repeating talking points they've heard their whole lives. More someone in the Last Week Tonight era of their life than an evil person. I hope we abolish private property and they do just fine and gain the confidence to support it.