Hey this is for all you cis folks out there. Shits really bleak right now for trans people, and not just because of this whole reddit crap. Republicans are gearing up to pass some really heinous laws that do things like coercively de-transition trans kids, make being a trans teachers illegal, making it so that you cant legally change government docs documents, the list goes on and on. Things are really really really exhausting, and as much as many of us are big fighters, others of us are barely getting by both materially and emotionally. Like I am pretty materially comfortable and 2 years into my transition and even I am pretty worn out by the world, it is like 1000% worse for baby trans and trans people who aren't as lucky as me.

So I am asking you, if you yourselves have the mental and physical means, stand up for us in any way you can. Even if you cant do anything in the real world, if its just calling out shit and bullying transphobes online, every little bit helps make things easier. We need you comrades.

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Transphobia just shows how bereft of any kind of real solutions the modern US right wing is. Trans people are a vanishingly small amount of the population, what is repressing them even meant to fucking solve :thinking-about-it:

    I guess I just forget these people think that you can contract the Gay and that the Gay can be developed, which is....magical thinking I guess.


    protip if you got turned gay by da joooooooooz (:frothingfash:) you were already gay to begin with

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Copying a comment I made a year back that was itself a copypaste from another comrade.

        A trans comrade put it this way

        homophobia and transphobia are both constructed on the foundation of misogyny;

        homophobia: fucking men is a womanly activity, therefore men who fuck men are acting like women, and women are bad, therefore gay men are bad. |¦| fucking women is a manly activity, therefore women who fuck women are acting like men, therefore reaching above their station and usurping men as the ruling gender

        Transphobia: the gender divide is to be seen as immutable law, else it cannot oppress. To seek escape from this arbitrary assignment (whether within or without the confines of the male/female dichotomy; see: binary trans men, binary trans women, or NB people) is to question its validity as a whole, and thus threatens its divisive power. These are also corollaries to the homophobia principles; since gender is to be seen as immutable, (men who would ask to be seen as women ¦ women who would ask to be seen as men) must be treated as exceptionally abhorrent

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      3 years ago

      Its really about children. They view their children as property that belongs to them and should be as they want them to be. Happy and successful queer people in general threaten that because they give young queers among their children positive role models. The idea is to make being queer have such a high social stigma and cost that their children will stay good cis hets and have good white babies for their parents like they are supposed to as their property. For a lot of the law's focused on children the abuse is the point. They want these children to be abuse, and they want other children to abuse them to keep all the other kids in line. The abuse and violence is the point of all this, they know they really cant get rid of us we continue to keep existing in spite of oppression and violence throughout history, just like lynching wasn't about killing all black people it was keeping them all int heir place.

      • machiabelly [she/her]
        3 years ago

        This is exactly how it is with my Dad. To him I will always be a disappointing son.

        Actually I'm really enjoying the fact that I took his son away from him. I fucking killed him the poor bastard.


        • CrimsonSage [any]
          3 years ago

          I am sorry comrade. You are infinitely better being you for yourself than someone else for someone who never fully loved you. :cat-trans:

    • kristina [she/her]
      3 years ago

      we cant be allowing those evil transgenderites to force surgeries on our kids, only WE'RE able to do that with circumcision

      and of course no trans person wants surgeries on kids. the whole thing is about choice and respecting your kids