My fault for going on twitter BUT WHAT THE FUCK DOES “BEING A STALINIST” MEAN IN FUCKING 2022? This is basically shit stirring against an imaginary boogeyman
My fault for going on twitter BUT WHAT THE FUCK DOES “BEING A STALINIST” MEAN IN FUCKING 2022? This is basically shit stirring against an imaginary boogeyman
The common online pitfall I see MLs fall into is buying into the whole 4 quadrant political compass meme and thus proclaiming themselves as "pro-authoritarian" to prove they aren't anarchists. No one should be pro authority for authority's sake, it's just we think a transitional state is necessary to defend the revolution from the forces of capital.
Honestly the 4 quadrant political compass has gotta be one of the better online psyops for disrupting left unity.
exactly, authority is a mechanism to affect change and organize. Unjust authority is antithetical to the tenants of Marxism anyways, as all power/authority must come from the workers and belong to the workers.
Some short snippets of an already very short piece by Engels
Skipping ahead to two examples:
Saying your "pro-authoritarian" is like saying you're "pro-screwdriver". It's a tool to make things happen, not an identity lol