New Comedy Central show would have been played out 20 years ago. Good luck making it through the video.


1 minute vid - enjoy!

  • inshallah2 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I was a big-time lib so my brain was filled with worms and I didn't even know anything about anything. I thought he was very funny and trenchant.

    The other day I watched him talk to Anderson Cooper about the necessary role of suffering in god's plan. I had a sort of vomity feeling like when you realize the pizza rolls you had the night before were at least about 11 years old. But you were so hungry you that after you heated them up - you wolfed them down even though your nose said "DO NOT FUCKING EAT THAT! DO NOT! DO NOT! DO NOT!"

    I realized he was giving me Mother Teresa vibes. She intentionally withheld meds from the poors so in their greater suffering - they could be closer to god. There's a strain of American Catholicism that's entirely unlike American typical fundie-ism. It can be quite modest, erudite, and polite but it's just as bad and batshit as the screaming Protestants who want eternal suffering for anyone who questions God's infinite love - to quote Bill Hicks.


    Ninja edit

    You said "'What punishments of God are not gifts?' Do you really believe that?" @andersoncooper asks comedian Stephen Colbert, choking back tears as they discuss grief.

    "Yes," Colbert replies. "It's a gift to exist, and with existence comes suffering. There's no escaping that."
