I too want to dunk on her

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You say she leaned into it, I don't disagree - I just think that she really is so out of touch that she (and her staff) thought it could make her cute and likeable. This comes from a place that she genuinely does not understand just how far out of touch she is.

    She probably thinks her young volunteer staff is the "lower class", when actually these are successful white kids with advanced degrees from ivy league schools and trust funds that allow them to take unpaid positions. Or they're Ghislaine's nephew.

    Leaning in and focusing on superficial politics is what politics is to her. She believes that people don't care about policy that materially affects them - because she is completely surrounded by those who benefit or at worst are unaffected by any government policies that dems or reps could implement.