• KermitTheFraud [they/them]
      2 years ago

      He basically does this during his apology. All the instances of him saying the n word, according to Rogan, were in context of him talking about how the word is used, all meta discussions. But he continued to say that, even with that context, it was still unequivocally unacceptable for him to use the word, that he understands why it’s upsetting, and that he’s tried for a while now to stop using it.

      However, when it comes to the “planet of the apes” comment, he tries to insist that that’s not what he meant and that it was just didn’t come out right. That he was trying to tell a story about how much fun it was to watch planet of the apes in a black neighborhood. It was supposed to be a compliment don’t you seeeee?????