a climate activist-led inquisition sounds pretty great tbh

    • sic_semper_chuds [he/him]
      4 years ago

      with a cast including the evangelical christian fascists infiltrating the u.s. military, blood-and-soil ecofash preppers and the wide-eyed elon musk acolytes it's gonna be a hell of a show

      i'm still not sure whether scummo is just another fossil fuel industry stooge or whether he truly believes that melting the ice caps will get him raptured

  • extraterrestrial5 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    the claim that climate activists are religious

    It's a self own when reactionaries use this argument because it implies they are soulless "not religious" people who have no transcendent devotion to the sublime or anything.

    Even atheist humanists can be religious, but capitalists have no subjective experience in their empty lives, nothing but "devotion" to being a consumer in the marketplace.