It’s incredibly easy to just not care, or be happy for them.

I talked to someone on the bus whose cousin in Iowa was miserable and busting their ass collecting recycling (Iowa being one of just a few states that does bottle deposits) every day before they ripped off the government and now they’re the closest to happy they’ve been in a long time. I don’t care about anyone’s tax dollars. I would not have cared back when I used to have a job and was paying taxes. “Your tax dollars” are a fucking imaginary concept. You’re paying the same amount irregardless, the federal government is paying the same irregardless, all of this is a bucket of ████ poured into the vacuum of space, it’s a grain of sand blown to the wind, it’s a pale blue dot in a sunbeam. Who the fuck cares? If you didn’t have your fucking phone or your TV or whatever or a book to read or a hobby or something you wouldn’t care because this does not effect you. Go outside. Take a walk. Look at the sky. Look at the horizon. Look at the few stars that shine through the haze. Think about something that makes you sad. Think about something that makes you happy. Talk to someone. Watch a movie. Get a fucking life.

It doesn’t effect your life, that I get close to $300 a month in food stamps. It doesn't effect your life, that I don’t work and dgaf about working. You are angry because some fucking mook told you to be angry. This month I think I actually started gaining weight. I don’t think I went a day eating less than a thousand calories. That never fucking happens. For once I’m not near death! Be happy for me! Who cares if I do drugs and don’t “contribute to society”? That’s a made up concept. It’s a secular God who’s stolen the empathy I know you used to have.

Posted with my Apple iMeth 12 Mini™️

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]
    5 months ago

    Really hate the conservative government workers around here who are happy to get benefit from the government but want these benefits denied to everyone else. Vile.

    • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      Ugh same. I've finally (hopefully) found a source of income, and dealing with my country's unemployment services has made me even more radically communist.

      It's like they train their worker's to hate anyone who comes through that door to ask for help. Everytime I went it felt like I was being interrogated and that I was a criminal for daring to ask for help. They were always like "well someone with your degree should have found a job by now smuglord "

      It's humiliating when the people that are there to help make you feel like even more shit. It's more insulting that the money they give is not even close to enough to pay for anything.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    5 months ago

    Hell yeah I'm fucking happy for you and I hope you get even more stuff that makes you happy because you're a human being and you fuckng deserve it. No matter what kind of bitter asshole tries to tell you otherwise

  • Carguacountii [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    its just far easier & also encouraged to punch down rather than up

    people jealously guard their own welfare (tax credits, subsidies, tariffs, art grants, copyrights, pensions, etc etc) and complain bitterly about other's priviledges. But really every state ever to exist has had some form of welfare or another, the alternative is much more expensive for the state, as the UK discovered its easier and cheaper to pay vagabonds off than any alternative, hence the Poor Laws.

    but generally try to ignore the social pressure/shaming, most people don't care (most people aren't wealthy so can empathise more), just the loudest yap a lot and are encouraged by the state in order to keep the payments as low as possible.

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    5 months ago

    Agreed! Glad to hear you're eating better! Do you know if your area has a functional housing authority that might help you with housing? I think that would be a huge help if at all possible, having been following your posts.

    • allthetimesivedied [they/them, she/her]
      5 months ago

      You know, I tend to be unenthused by the idea of housing, because I tend to become lazy and lethargic and “go feral” when I’m sedentary and don’t have anyone hectoring me to get up and move around, buuuuut it’s a place to stash my things, and shower. And maybe, just maybe, my friend will be proud of me. (:

      I’m trying to teach myself some self discipline. I am about to leave this portapotty having only hit my pipe once. Insha’allah.

      • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
        5 months ago

        Hey, just because you have a safe place to stay and keep your stuff doesn't mean you can't go "urban camping" if you need to be around and on the street. It can be hard to shift your lifestyle so dramatically all at once. I think getting housing and/or perhaps healthcare might be awesome next steps. Assuming you're in the US, Medicaid may be an option that helps a lot, assuming you don't already have that.

        • allthetimesivedied [they/them, she/her]
          5 months ago

          It would make my income a little harder because I can’t say I’m a “homeless trans girl” anymore, though the last part is kind of a lie since I stopped calling myself a trans woman last July (I’m still “trans/non-binary femme” but idk).

          Let’s see how selling uh um uhhhh jewelry works out.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    5 months ago

    the economy eats babies

    by not feeding the economy you are doing more good to society than most people who feed it

  • davel [he/him]
    5 months ago

    The money is even more imaginary than most people think. The US government has essentially infinite US dollars, and when you pay your taxes, the money essentially gets debited from your bank account but not credited to anywhere; it’s just gone.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    5 months ago

    This month I think I actually started gaining weight. I don’t think I went a day eating less than a thousand calories. That never fucking happens. For once I’m not near death! Be happy for me!

    If all my taxes assured that people i'll never know got to eat good I'd be happy. That's the point of society is us looking out for each other. I don't know /u/allthetimesivedied and will likely never will, but I'm glad they are eating (and doing drugs).

    For once I’m not near death! Be happy for me! Who cares if I do drugs and don’t “contribute to society”? That’s a made up concept. It’s a secular God who’s stolen the empathy I know you used to have.

    This ought to be the Hexbear banner. Realest shit ever.

    • allthetimesivedied [they/them, she/her]
      5 months ago

      I’m glad they are eating (and doing drugs).

      Awwwwww yiss.

      This out [sic] to be a [sic] on the Hexbear banner.

      Eh. Not my best work. But still, it’s extremely rare that I say anything that cool.

  • ValpoYAFF [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Think of all the people who don't care at all about the structure of society; who see no problem with wealth inequality or climate change. Yes, it's easy not to care.

    But the people who make a stink about welfare truly believe it is a flaw in the organisation of society. They believe welfare is socially and economically harmful in the same way we might believe inequality or alienation is harmful.

    Of course, we recognise welfare as subsidising social externalities. But others may believe either that these externalities should be allowed to kill people, or that subsidy encourages stasis. Or indeed they may not think of these externalities at all.

  • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    5 months ago

    That last line about empathy hits hard comrade

    How I like to imagine the people you refer to after reading your post and finishing the last line: oooaaaaaaauhhh

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    5 months ago

    There's this guy who gets his welfare check, then drives home in a Cadillac. You probably don't know him though, he lives in a different town.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      5 months ago

      Literally my dad. He buys into the whole Reagan welfare queen myth in 2024, still. When I told him the best I could make off foodstamps (which is super hard to get in my blue state) is $250 to use only in grocery stores he still got mad. Ima buy a sports car when I save up 150 years my monthly checks.

      • Raebxeh
        5 months ago

        Have you considered selling your food stamps for half price and buying a sports car in 300 years? Much more realistic.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        5 months ago

        Should consider wiring him your portion of the taxes he paid or something. Insultingly low amounts. Like, less than a cent per quarter.

  • comrade_pibb [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    If someone's the type of chud who seethes about welfare queens and doesn't give a shit about police and military funding then i literally don't fuckin care. Eat my heckin butt you ideologically hollow dipshit

    • bigboopballs [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Welfare pay is way too low. Disability pay is WAAAAAY too low.

      Definitely. In my Canadian province, the minimum monthly rent for the most meager 1 bedroom fuckin studio apartment is like $1400+ per month. Welfare pays $1100 total monthly. Disability is about $1500 and I'm trying to get that but the MFers take months to process the application and they might just say "no sorry not disabled enough plz sell yourself to capitalism harder". But the rates are definitely way too fuckin low. They should honestly be doubled. But we also need non-market housing solutions and for landlords to fuck off.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        5 months ago

        I'd say we may live in the same province, but that seems pretty much cross country.

  • tombruzzo [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    Welfare queens aren't even real. Reagan read a letter where someone said a woman was living the high life off government benefits and just believed it because his brain was melting out his ears.