In a move that would rival even the finest rage comics from 2012, America's only two political parties are continuing to successfully troll the general public by denying them access to healthcare and human rights.

When asked at a recent press conference if he would consider raising the minimum wage to help working people survive, Joe Biden promptly distorted his smile into a grotesque troll face and said "Problem?" while Eduard Khil's hit song "Trololol" played in the background.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been holding numerous rallies where he promises the American people that, if reelected, he'll troll them even harder than he has the past four years -- all while standing in front of a colorful background with big white Impact text above and below his face.

"I'm still not sure who to vote for in November," said Linda Thompson, a struggling working mother of four. "I keep wondering if I can haz insulin but I don't think they've talked about that yet."

At press time, sources are reporting that more than 180,000 Americans have been fatally trolled by COVID-19.