The new Colbert-produced Comedy Central animated series about a chaotic small town filled with COVID skeptics aims to be the new “South Park” but comes off as lame and uninspired.
What little patriotism I thought I had left for the US just dissipated right then and there. No wonder hogs say Steven Colbert is unamerican, watching this DOES make me like being an American even LESS. Hell, even being dropped smack dab in the middle of hog country in :ukkk: sounds more appealing.
Watched this monstrosity, did not laugh a single time.
What little patriotism I thought I had left for the US just dissipated right then and there. No wonder hogs say Steven Colbert is unamerican, watching this DOES make me like being an American even LESS. Hell, even being dropped smack dab in the middle of hog country in :ukkk: sounds more appealing.