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  • Hippocrit [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I still hold the personal conspiracy theory that Bill Gates’ foundation urged Oxford to sell the rights to their vaccine to AstraZeneca (instead of making it public) so that countries in Africa (etc.) would lose population under COVID.

    We’ll probably never get like a leaked thing that confirms his true reasoning for doing it but I think it’s a good educated guess because:

    1. He loves to talk about overpopulation
    2. I’m 99% sure offhand that he’s complained about Africans having too many babies to end poverty there. Not bothering to look it up but I think I remember that.
    3. The ruling class clearly has not given a shit about actually ending COVID, or meaningfully helping exploited countries (or even imperial ones), because on some level for whatever multiple reasons they think it’s a good thing. Bill Gates, I assume, is cumming every day about the eugenic implications of letting COVID go wild

    I almost pulled it entirely out of my ass, but damn does it sound true in my head

    • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      The guy was buddy buddy with Jeffrey "I'd love to spread my genius seed everywhere" Epstein. There's no fucking way you don't entertain that demon if you don't have an interest in eugenics. And if it isn't that, is William Gates a nonce?

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Gates runs pseudo eugenics programs in certain African countries so yeah it tracks. Though in South Africa it's mainly USAID people being useless and trying to circumcise everyone to "stop the spread of HIV". And maybe hand out some condoms as well. I wish I was joking.

      South Africa doesn't use the AstraZeneca vaccine though

      • Hippocrit [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        The AstraZeneca vaccine was originally developed by Oxford and was going to be public info so countries could make their own (I’m simplifying it going off of memory).

        The Gates Foundation urged them to sell the rights to it to AstraZeneca instead, thus killing the plan to make it public. South Africa may not use it now, but that could quite literally be ol’ Bill’s fault since he had it privatized

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          That's all true, but the reason South Africa didn't use AstraZeneca at the time was because it was ineffective against the beta variant circling back then. So we had to send the AstraZeneca vaccine that we bought back to the manufacturer. It was a national embarrassment that was used by chuds to fuel anti vaccine sentiment at a critical time.

          But yes, Bill Gates did do that and his excuse was that African countries couldn't manufacture it safely. Even though there were facilities in place that could.

          • Hippocrit [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            Ah, I remember some controversy over a minuscule blood clot risk and it getting paused in some Euro countries or something like that too.

            I remember it being somewhat less effective (not sure how much offhand), but if it had been publicly available to begin with that still would have been much more than anything else the West has done to help globally.

            Also yeah I saw that “poorer countries can’t be trusted to make their own vaccine” bullshit argument from libs so much awhile back. Shit was infuriating.

            • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              It's infuriating because South Africa, and other African countries, are opening MRNA vaccine manufacturing plants right now. More complex manufacturing than the AstraZeneca vaccine. Probably to only export the vaccines under some messed up deal.

              But noo we're too broke to do it when it's for free, but when they can get something out of it suddenly we have the facilities.