Responded to his shitty Biden Crackpipe meme with the :citations-needed: episode criticizing the Biden response to this absolute shitshow of racist misinformation. His initial response was “I don’t know what reality is anymore”. When I suggested it’s clearly not listening to :live-tucker-reaction: shit. He is like “but my property rights”.

  • fayyhana [she/her]
    2 years ago

    My younger brother never really grew out of his edgy teenage angst phase, and lately since I've been living at home I've heard him say some extremely sus shit. Stuff about how we need to be harder on homeless people, how it should be legal to hit protesters with your car, boomer-tier ramblings about """thugs""" and what-not. It sucks, I think he's been getting it from our border patrol step-dad who is an irredeemable fascist (he hides it by being polite but this dude would absolutely be the gas chamber guard).

    At least my mom is redeemable, she's a lib through and through but somehow avoided the anti-commie propaganda of her generation, so she's somewhat sympathetic towards socialist causes. I got her to listen to season 2 of Blowback and now she'll get into arguments defending the cuban revolution lmao. She also listens to ALAB, Citations Needed, and TrueAnon of all things on her work commute, so maybe there's some hope for her yet.

    • hypercube [she/her]
      2 years ago

      very funny thinking about middle aged lib mum listening to TrueAnon on her commute, god bless her

      • fayyhana [she/her]
        2 years ago

        All Lawyers Are Bastards, a law and politics podcast hosted by a few leftist/left-adjacent lawyers. They're pretty entertaining guys and some episodes can be really informative. They have a couple episodes on sanctions that I try to get every liberal I know to listen to.

        • Parent [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          Huh, thanks for the recommendation. Never heard of it but sounds cool. Maybe I'll recommend to my lawyer friend too.