
Guy on the left does not look proud of himself

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    3 years ago

    ~$150 each as detergent and diapers and formula. These are items that are either used directly to get by or fenced for cash by the extremely impoverished.

    With overtime, each cop is probably paid about $75 an hour to do this. If it took even just one hour, that's $225 just to fuck with some poor people. But they proba ly chalked up 5-10 man-hours given paperwork and photo shoots and other stupid shit they do, so $375 to $750. This does not include the cost of them driving around in expensive gear, working in a small fortress, or the costs of the criminal punishment system: lawyers, judges, clerks, etc.

    Abolition now!

    • Deadend [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Cops watching subway stations for fare evasion cost multiple times what fare evasion could.