• SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    What I expect:

    Some slovenly trash about Biden's craven 'accomplishments', appearances by marginalized groups and peoples that liberals and conservatives alike continue to try to grind into dust (but liberals are 'nicer' about, so they can talk about how they appreciate them), some inane drivel about upcoming attempts at fixing things that will either not come to pass or be mutilated and hacked into something else entirely, and far more inane drivel about upcoming terrible things which liberals and conservatives will pass. Repeat ad naseum to fill the time slot.

    Close up with some nice verbal diarrhea about seeking unity with the people that liberals continue to call Nazis, traitors, and pond scum.

    What I would like:

    Some drone pilot MAGA nutter decides that life in prison is worth the trade off on March 1st around 8:30 EST, and takes his predator drone for one last spin (in Terraria, of course).