"Well you know I'm a military man. My opinion is we need to carpet bomb Russia. If they want to push the button and use nukes, fine. I know there's a life after this one and I know where I'm going. I don't have time to play games."

He was in the marines. He's parents were gusanos. He's a leader of the small business community. He's very Christian, has a bible verse painted on the hallway of the entrance to work. He keeps bringing up race at work. He literally said "Yeah I'm racist. I'm proud too. If you disagree, come talk to me about it." Then he brought up race again today. He mainly hates black people. He talks worse shit openly than even most white people I've met. It's really astounding. He once said he had a friend who has this great sniper rifle and was talking about picking off Democrats. He laughed about it.

Just absolute full on reactionary brain worms. The last time I heard someone openly talk about carpet bombing was the Iraq War. It's just so jarring to hear it again out loud.

Anyway this is in c/doomer because I don't see any way to rehabilitate these people. I know we should try. I know it's likely a lot of bravado that would change given the right conditions. But right now gulags sound fucking good to me. I can't really see a future where we have communism and not at least a little bit of gulag for a while. And I fear I'm going to curse any leftist who tries to say we can't have authoritarianism. Because I don't see any other way through this. We need a dictatorship, in every sense of the word, of the proletariat.

  • Hoodoo [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    I don't understand why people like this can't just commit suicide and leave the rest of us out of it.

    If you're convinced theres a better life waiting, why are you still here craving blood in this one? Do they think that will look good for them in the next?

    • Abraxiel
      2 years ago

      Suicide is a sin. Might be a mortal one, can't remember.

      • Owl [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Then they should take up wingsuit flying.

    • Weedian [he/him]
      2 years ago

      suicide sends you to hell. There's been cases of deeply religious people who want to die but suicide is out of the question for them so they commit crimes that will result in the death penalty. I know there was one lady who killed her own children for this reason.

  • plov_mix [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    He’s very Christian

    “ If they want to push the button and use nukes, fine.”


  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    “Well you know I’m a military man. My opinion is we need to carpet bomb Russia. If they want to push the button and use nukes, fine. I know there’s a life after this one and I know where I’m going. I don’t have time to play games.”

    Shit like this scares me. Genocidal evangelical boomers who believe in the rapture and whatnot, because hey fuck it, I'm going to heaven so why not raze the earth in cleansing hellfire?

    • Hoodoo [love/loves]
      2 years ago

      When you realize that right wing ideology ultimately boils down to a death cult, it all makes a lot more sense.

      They are frustrated with the world as it is. Their answer to any source of frustration is death.

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      2 years ago

      all I can do is pray that the nihilistic hedonists also in charge will cool some of their friends' apocalyptic urges so that they can keep doing adrenochrome on epstein island in this life

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    2 years ago

    You don't have to worry about what would be done about this guy after the revolution for two reasons:

    • If communists win a revolution in the US, he would die during the revolution
    • There won't be a communist revolution in the US before we die to climate apocalypse
  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    had an intl coworker from ukraine just be like 'yeah i live near luhansk if i drop out of connection just blame geopolitics and please let me keep my job'

    i like speaking czech at him to see if he can guess what im talking about lol

  • Bloobish [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Nah either Gulag or constant monitoring because I can't not see a subset of this type of people deciding to commit to a personal radical christian suicide bombing/gunning. Really love how the movie stereotypes of the crazed racist/sexist angry boss in monster movies was always fact and the most horrible outcome is getting stuck in a shopping mall or other place with them as they slowly unravel into a fucking murder gremlin.

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    2 years ago

    No, this guy does not need to be rehabilitated. He is a fascist. He needs great amounts of violence to be enacted upon him

  • catgirlcommunist [any]
    2 years ago

    yeah I haven't heard people talk like this about war since like 2011 when bin Laden was killed. even all the anti-China stuff of the past few years never got this bad. but the reactionaries I know seem more bloodthirsty than ever over this.