FUCKTHEPAINTUP (join date: 25/7/20; never banned)
Sealand_macronation (join date: 1/1/21)
TimeCubeEvangelist (join date: 12/2/21)
TrumanShow_IRL (join date: 15/3/21)
black_mold_futures (join date: 20/5/21) apparitionist (join date: 11/9/21; never forget)

Edit: added join dates for reference.

Edit 2: added FUCKTHEPAINTUP, on @invalidusernamelol’s advice.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    2 years ago

    As an anarchist, I do not feel threatened by BMF's "sectarian" posts, largely because we don't take those posts seriously anyway. Honestly, the pejorative use of "soy" in the style of the alt-right is more objectionable than saying "anarchists are CIA-adjacent". TBH I think the anarchist movement would be a lot better off if more anarchists kept their anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist priorities straight, and used "how often does my analysis line up with the Western political-economic power pole" as a barometer.

    I'm not gonna go so far as to generalize "I may not agree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it" for everyone, but for this fellow I will definitely stand firm on that hill.

    We the mods recognize that you are critical of centralized executive power and subordination, and we're going to demonstrate this by banning a guy who strongly disagrees with you! :so-true: