Growing up my favorite hero boy was Batman, but its getting really hard to appreciate a character whos main premise is "I'm a billionaire that beats up poor people in a capitalist hellscape because I don't have a healthy way to deal with my personal trauma".

Is there any saving him or is there a version of batman that can exist inside of a left narrative? Maybe there's an existing comic that has tackled this problem, but I'm not really deep into the...ahem...literature.

Maybe Ninja Batman?

  • D61 [any]
    2 years ago

    Possibly a Batman skinned Robin Hood?

    Steals from the wealthy by night through catburglery, hacking, blackmail. Gets the resources into community centers and Food Not Bombs type groups. Bat-punching neo-nazi and the occasional cop or something.

    The tragedy being, they'll never be able to change the system that oppresses those they help. All of the heroic hyper competent "Batmanning" would instantly evaporate if the system that this incarnation of Batman mastered were to be changed. So either all attempts where this Batman tried to lead an organization to create change would be crushed by the current power holders or this Batman would have the hyper ego of our regular Batman and knowing their power to be a "hero" lies solely with the system as is, they never truly fight to change it.