really leaning hard into the cosmic horror and I fuckin love it

  • Quimps [he/him]
    5 months ago

    She's not sedna. If she's sedna then they needed to ask any of the Inuits on set what was up. At best her treatment of her sister is an analogue to the way the angakkoq cares for the ocean goddess and washes away the filth left by others.

    • Egon [they/them]
      5 months ago

      I'm not super well-versed in Inuit folklore, so thanks!
      Id just looked into it a bit some time ago, and then the crablady with the missing fingers made me think of Sedna and my mind got spinning from there - Cut off by an abusive father, married a dog (Qavvik cares for dogs and his name is similar to the Inuit kavik for wolverine, a stretch I know), she's a loner, she has a weird thing with yhat boat in episode 3...

      I see now that It sounds dumb when I write it out

      • Quimps [he/him]
        5 months ago

        The missing fingers definitely says ocean goddess. But the main character has a caring role in which she quite literally grooms (Not in the negative meaning) her sister as a response to outside influence. Which screams angakkoq if we're looking at ocean goddess imagery. She herself isn't mutilated, nor does she provide for the town materially.

        The dog connection is clever, but I don't know if she marries a dog in the inupiat version of the tale. Tbh my only knowledge of the tale is as Arnaqquassaaq.

        • Egon [they/them]
          5 months ago

          Hey thanks so much for the response! It's all very interesting. What do you make of her not knowing her own name?