
  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The messed up about the liberal use of “Whataboutism®©℗™” is that they are doing a shitty job of forcing you to accept a plainly false premise. Even in the damn comic “Yes our media definitely have racist biases which should be addressed, However it's also the Russian propaganda machine has been touting…”. The Russian propaganda machine didn't make our media racist. Libs understand and recognize that our media is racist and gross, but "now is not a time to address cause need to do a war". Like what the fuck?. It's just plain hawkishness to dress up in warmer colors. The “Focus shift” is a shift to a legitimate issue, one that we can actually impact and improve. Worse yet, that “focus shift” actually demands liberals, actual y'know, do something. Actually doing something about transphobia, racism, or anything addressable social evil would be a much greater use of time and resources than cheering to awaken the infernal engines of war. There is no real desire to make positive change, they just want an excuse to do Imperialism.

    Liberal “Whataboutism®©℗™” also fails to even be effective rhetoric in that within their false premise they are encouraging the very “Whataboutism®©℗™” they oppose. They aren't even laying out a good trap for you to fall in, if anything they are falling in the trap and getting mad at you for it. She acknowledges that “Biggest Refugee Crisis®©℗™” which just begs the question of what about the all the other refugee crisis? Why do we suddenly care about this one and not the others? Their inability to actually grapple with a complex idea is what gives the room for critiques of their bad ideas.

    They are so bad at being effective, they even bad at being bad.

    Lib mindset is one of ceaseless failure. Lib grindset is one that lacks bitches.

    • wrecker_vs_dracula [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Also the act of calling out whataboutism is perversely a focus shift in itself. It functions as a dog whistle as well, because the term is only ever used against communists and Russians.

      • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
        2 years ago

        "Communism killed eleventy brazillion people."

        "That's a lie. And capitalism has killed (insert actual number here.)"


        • wrecker_vs_dracula [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          This is The Dialogue. Except sometimes “holocaust denial” is used in place of “whataboutism “. For instance, questioning the relative intensity of famines reported under communist regimes is often labeled as such. It’s also used to silence discussion of the necessity of political purges, and the resulting prison population’s size relative to the prison population in today’s United States.

          Edit: or The UK

          • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
            2 years ago

            It’s also used to silence discussion of the necessity of political purges, and the resulting prison population’s size relative to the prison population in today’s United States.

            :very-intelligent: “have you considered tho that stalin personally strangled all the bolsheviks with his asiatic hordes after doing a heckin trade deal with one of the hitlers”

              • BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]
                2 years ago

                There was some weird anticommunist ranting even here about that shit on a Stalin post a couple days ago and I was just like


                I don’t think I even dunked on them, I just logged off. Everyone else seemed to have it handled lol