She rocks. I'm amazed that she manages to consistently take principled stances despite a constant barrage of harassment and death threats. Like I know she's a member of congress, and in principle that's her job, but if I had :frothingfash: constantly talking about murdering me I'd probably be hesitant about any public announcement that goes against the grain.
I don't see what could go wrong. Everyone fighting for Ukraine is the moral equivalent of the founding fathers :amerikkka-clap:
what about the consequences of flooding Israel with billions of dollars of weapons? is it only bad when the victim nation has a powerful neighbor that produces lots of oil and gas?
Ilhan voted against the Iron Dome funding and against the NDAA btw, shes definitely one of the more consistent reps on this stuff
Democratic representatives playing the "rotating villain" game? :shocked-pikachu:
Ironically Israel has been arming Azov as well because of course they are