I mean I'm gonna vote green because I live in DC where there are more communists and LGBTQ+ folks than Trump supporters but I probably wouldn't have if I lived in Arizona or Michigan.

P.S.: Same goes for Democrat vs Republican in Senate, House, etc. elections.

I will protest Biden inauguration if he's elected, but I would vote for him if I lived in a swing state.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Biden isn't materially different enough from Trump to warrant participating in electoralism. Here's the kicker: while Bernie's ideas are very different from either one, his presidency would have been greatly restricted and controversial. So it's not like we would have gotten the change he promised even if he got the nom. Electoralism is a dead end. You're making a very big generalization that leftists want electoralism when Bernie has a chance. That's simply not true. Plenty of people were rightly pointing out all throughout the primaries how electoralism is a dead end and won't return any results. And it didn't. Leftists aren't a monolith.

    I certainly hope we're not going to get a flood of libs and chuds asking these kinds of entry level questions. If you guys actually paid attention to leftists rather than just memes about us then you'd know what we think. Instead it's always shit like "oh yeah what about venuzuela" tier questions.

    • Keleyva [any]
      4 years ago

      well i liked this answer. As a black gay man, I believe there are some significant proposals that Biden would push to silve systemic issues in the black community (mainly urbanization and immigration proposals, equality rights act, etc.) I understand that he won't and we will still suffer from this shithole of a country.

      What should be the bound between two candidates to vote for "the lesser if two evils" in your opinion, especially in a first past the vote system?

      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        Well I hate to be patronizing and condescending but you should check out what Biden helped accomplish for black people under Obama. I think it's naive to only go off his proposed platform rather than the actions of his career. You even say that you understand he won't do that stuff, which is bizarre. So why support him?

        You don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils, you don't have to vote at all. You can just not vote. Voting doesn't make you a good person. Not voting doesn't make you a bad person. You don't have to worry at all about this election. If Joe Biden loses it is Joe Biden and the DNC's fault. Not the fault of people who didn't vote. Though they're going to tell you that's who to blame. They are the ones who failed to provide a compelling reason to vote. "We're not Republicans" is not a compelling reason. "But think of the POCs" is not a valid rebuttal to that. Biden is part of the reason Trump is able to do so much harm to POCs. It's already done. There is no debate about what will be. If Trump turns into Hitler next year and shoots me in the fucking head for being a leftist, it's because Joe Biden and the DNC built the gun and put it in his hand.

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        Can you expand on those? I read all the plans on his website and i didn't see any concrete plans in any of those, and i'm wondering if i missed anything.

        For example, his proposals for farmer aid are longer and more concrete than his proposals for urban communities, which makes me think his idea of "urbanization aid" is the same as Pete Buttigieg's.

    • Keleyva [any]
      4 years ago

      hm but doesn't Biden want to fix some of those problems (many of which he contributed to)?

  • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    What, you didn't see the posts and comments on the old sub calling anyone who votes for Bernie a "social fascist?"

    • Keleyva [any]
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator

  • Ronalpinhos [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Because he runs on a platform of bombing brown people, protecting the Pigs and letting people die without healthcare.

  • Keleyva [any]
    4 years ago

    the subreddit was very pro-Bernie. As is leftist Twitter and such