With its heavy 1984 allusions and authoritarian post-Soviet Eastern European dystopia setting, is Half-Life 2 devious anticommunist propaganda? Discuss

  • Crawdadio [he/him]
    2 years ago

    At some point if you aren't wanting to grow any bigger you're going to have a lot of stuff like that fall through the cracks. I'd rather have a stable working platform than something that's constantly reinventing itself and therefore breaking itself. It's pretty amazing how much stuff valve manages to keep running considering how small they really are. Definitely better than the chasing non stop growth bullshit the rest of the industry is about. Early access is probably my biggest pet peeves with steam at this point. Definitely agree with that.

    • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It’s tough because I agree with you. It’s a solid platform and has been for a while. I don’t want them to mess with it too much and risk turning it into a pile of trash. That said, it’s because it’s so solid that I wish they’d spend more effort on it. I don’t want them to add for the sake of adding, I want them to spend more effort refining their existing features. I don’t want more I want better.