I have recently acquired this valuable four-letter account real estate which I wish to make available to my neighbors in hexbear for a modest fee . This account could be right for your next post simply send $15 to my paypal account: HexbearAccountLord@gmail.com. ($10 will be withheld as bad post deposit, all posts will be reviewed, cringe posts will result in your deposit being forfeit according to depreciation of account value).
I am looking forward to providing access to this account in excellent standing to any hexbear posters who wish to get in on the ground level with this luxury timeshare posting opportunity!!.
Don't delay! With the site member count fast approaching 20,000, accounts of this name length are in short supply!
how about an NFT of a jpeg of your name
I just right clicked on both of your usernames and used inspect element to steal your source code
I just uploaded your worst take to the blockchain where it can never be removed. :che-smile:
as if I am incapable of shitting out something worse. see you in small claims court, doofus
You're just jealous that my username real estate is more valuable than yours. Even as you reply to me you add value to this account, which I remind you I so graciously offered you the opportunity to get in at the GROUND LEVEL on but that ship has SAILED sister!
you're not the first person who has said "BEAT IT CHICK!" to me. as I said, we'll take it to a damn judge and figure it out there
We've got 456976 four-letter names, and that's without using any numbers or symbols. We're a long way from peak four-letter accounts and four-letter accounts are fungible. I prefer user names that say what you want from the world anyway.
None of those other four-letter names allow you to make a genuine #GOODpost or to permit you access to the exclusive good posting club.
not me slowly going through the list of potential four letter words to find one that hasn't been taken at a rate of one attempt every 60 minutes
But my investments! You can't do this to me :rage-cry:
How do you know, have you tried them all?
Youu cann stik each thes four letr wrds wher thee sunn dont shyn!