Sourced from an article that referenced TIME "Putin and Xi in Western propaganda – why does XJP get off so lightly?" - circa 2016, ahhhhh that didn't last long.

Concluding paragraph:

As more and more world leaders are emboldened to speak out against Western tyranny, thanks to Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte’s courage to make a public stand, President Xi Jinping can expect his face to morph into Putin’s, who is demonically pictured above on a January, 2014 Newsweek cover.

Putin watching an explosion through aviators giving the impression of a demonic glare - genuinely looking like a Biden 2021 cover in LATAM when the US find another lithium source

I don't like Duterte, but he makes a point. Why can't countries establish relations with China for investment purposes when the West (US and Europe) won't?

  • KoeRhee [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Xi is also the most likely person since Mao to rule for life, but other than that, nada