"big bike" lol
which one of you put tractor tires on a penny farthing?
Governments have just shoveled truckloads of money into roads for the past 70 years, but sure it’s “big bike,” that’s the problem.
big bike
Ah yes, how will those poor mom and pop car companies like Chevron and Ford stand up to huge bicycle companies like..... Uh...
This has some strong "why is there no white history month" energy
All the vehicles in that image actually have no floor and have to be run forward like in the Flintstones, big bike has truly made fools of us all.
They'll probably point to congestion as evidence that we're not investing enough in roads, even though our highways keep getting wider and wider.
Help, I'm being oppressed by green colored asphalt at intersections that provides no physical protection for bikers as I trample over them with my Jeep Grand Trampler!!!11
"Muh rights! Muh rights! If not everyone is EXACTLY like me, I'm oppressed!"
How much of a rabid auto fanboy do you have to be where your enjoyment of the car is ruined if not EVERYONE is driving too!?
I don't think that's it. It's that drivers have to take consideration to not hit people on bikes and sometimes slow down or stay in their own lane. Asking Americans to be responsible is basically tyranny.
Americans really do believe they have a right to drive into people.
Do I get irritated when a cyclist suddenly darts in front of me when I'm driving to work at 6AM?
But not at the cyclist, because I know that my shitty road full of potholes is dangerous for them and in general, just fucking awful for everyone