For the longest time i believed this until i started doing my plumbing apprenticeship. For awhile I thought I had dyscalclia but really the teachers didn't apply any of it to real world scenarios so I couldn't grasp the concept. Also undiagnosed adhd made it worst. Math doesn't make cents until you you see it done in real time.
For the longest time i believed this until i started doing my plumbing apprenticeship. For awhile I thought I had dyscalclia but really the teachers didn't apply any of it to real world scenarios so I couldn't grasp the concept. Also undiagnosed adhd made it worst. Math doesn't make cents until you you see it done in real time.
Exactly. We teach math all wrong. There were even socialists 100 years ago saying math is best learned if we use real world examples.
Consider 700 yards of linen,
I definitely want to see this in education reform.