You've never seen as much crying and gnashing of teeth until you've been in a pipefitters facebook group and see someone bring up the keystone xl pipeline...
You've never seen as much crying and gnashing of teeth until you've been in a pipefitters facebook group and see someone bring up the keystone xl pipeline...
Lincoln project astroturf
Cheese grits, eggs and bacon?
That whole story line and real life drama was wild
This is the saddest break up since Lita and Matt Hardy.
I have a sneaking suspicion that doomers are actually trying to convince others to be doomer with them...
if I am fucked I’d much rather cope with drugs and sex
You should go do that.
Well there it is.
Yeah that's definitely a little kid trolling.
Gen z moment
Do you sleep all day?
His time line is literally off the chain. His brain has to be puddy by now.
Just came in hear to say spaghetti is overrated and pasta comes from asia. That's all.
Some kinda cross between a honeypot and a front?
Meet their demands or Joey "The axe" Spangatoli comes knocking on the bosses door.
I'm only half way joking by the way. Solidarity from a former and future union pipefitter welder.
Same thing with trade unions and emt/firefighters. People give them WAY too much credit for doing a public service. The percentage of filth in these jobs are too damn high.
Think I might go back to the union and weld. Tired of customers, tired of booger coworkers. Just tired man
Lol Antarctic what? Is that how the servers are kept from blowing up?
I feel like every person including people I know irl that are into are grade A assholes. But yeah I get what you saying about the average Joe looking for a get rich quick scheme.
Who the fuck does he think will compensate him for unfinished work??? Lmao!!!