Action that never stops, decent commie themes, very original story, and amazing effects. I guess they didn't need to make the main protagonist a white dude, otherwise it's the one film I can watch again and again.

Am I allowed to post links pirate sites or is that banned??

  • Red Wizard 🪄
    11 months ago

    I saw Dredd in theaters in 3D and I've never since seen a 3D movie that justified the extra expence. I'm sad that it's unlikely I'll ever experience it that way again. It was incredible. Easily one of the best action movies ever.

    • pastalicious [he/him, undecided]
      11 months ago

      Long days journey into night by Bi Gan. The theatrical run, which I sadly missed, transitions to a 3d movie when the main character falls asleep 80 minutes into the movie and his 80 minute one-shot fever dream begins.

      • Red Wizard 🪄
        11 months ago

        The 3D in Dredd was very subtle until the perspective shifted to the drugged out lackies, and then it was cranked way up and was tied into really good slowmo action.

        • pastalicious [he/him, undecided]
          11 months ago

          This is the way to do it. Use the 3d as a tool to signal something to the audience; tell them something has changed or draw attention to things you want them thinking about. Not just “object looks like it’s getting closer to you, wow!”