Something I see super regularly, and find really disturbing, is how a young person 25-35 will post something, or even say it in person, like "I really want to have kids with my partner and start a family, but I just can't feel safe doing that with how unstable the world it," and proceed to list all their super realistic concerns and fears. And immediately someone will chirp up with some variation of "no one promised you stability or safety! You need to make it on your own! Everyone finds a way to have kids." Like these people do realize this isn't like a one off phenomenon, like household formation and having children are at world historic and systemic lows. Do these people want society to stop? Like people wanting to have children is like the most normal thing in the world, and wanting some small measure of stability and safety seems the least anyone is entitled to.

It's just so ducking weird to see, cus so often these are the same people freaking out cus there aren't enough kids. I just don't fucking understand people. I dunno what I am asking I just need to vent because people fucking confuse me.

  • Xenomork [they/them]
    2 years ago

    no one promised you stability or safety! You need to make it on your own! Everyone finds a way to have kids

    I'm guessing these are the same people who are "pro-life" up until the kids born, and then "you're on your own kid, lifes tough, buck up."

    • catposter [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      do you know how cool but also cursed it would be if prolifers were all dedicated socialists. i long for that world.

      • CommunistBear [he/him]
        2 years ago

        The only people I will really accept as pro-lifers are ardent communists. If someone believes that abortion is murder but that starving children in a world full of food isn't murder then idk what to tell them. Until anti-abortion people support free food, housing, education, and all of the things necessary to live they aren't pro-life yet.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      Pro-life was really a coup in terms of marketing slogans. "Let's rebrand the slavery and subjugation movement to something positive and catchy! How about "Pro Life"!: