• SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Yeah; Skyrim shed repairing weapons and armor (which is fine, that was always just kind of a hindrance/busywork to me), but it also got rid of the ways you could non magically persuade people that were in Oblivion, and a lot of mysticism stuff/school of magic went out the window, not to mention a lot of other little things

    Morrowind to Skyrim lends itself to an even more dumbed down feeling I'd imagine, since I know a lot of little things were removed from Morrowind to Oblivion (and Morrowind had the most atmospheric feel)

    • Eris235 [undecided]
      2 years ago

      Repairing equipment I'm fine with losing, just a tax really. Same with Morrowind's not great combat; weapons had a miss chance based on skill, so at the start of the game, something like 85% of your attacks just missed. Biggest problem with the game IMO. Magicka was also a pain, only regened on sleep.

      But at the same point, by not needing full voice acting, there is way more dialogue in Morrowind than Oblivion. And its dialogue system, while having a crude UI by today's standards, allowed for a lot more depth of conversation, allowing to ask after a bunch of words. Downside is non-unique NPCs had dialogue based on location, race, politics, ect. Which was kind of cool, as those conversation could be useful, but it did mean a dark elf of the same faction in the same location would have identical dialogue to another.

      Then, like Skyrim shedding Oblivion's social spells, Oblivion shed a lot of Morrowind's spells, mostly movement related. Fly being the obvious one, but things like Jump and Mark/Recall were also nice.

      Its not to say the newer games add nothing, but I feel like most of what they add is just presentation; so better UI, UX, graphics, voice acting. Skill perks are really the only standout as a true new mechanic. I guess maybe also horses? But spells/potions kind of fit that role of faster overland speed in Morrowind.