Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism

Death to fascists

    4 months ago

    Despite being Jewish

    I know you didn't mean any harm by this but it is antisemitic to assume that all Jews do, or should, or would be expected to, support Israel. It's not true, it has never been true, and the only people who claim it is true are racists.

      4 months ago

      That's exactly why I said it, though? Bernie is an example of a high standard we should hold all people to. Calling me antisemitic for that makes you seem like an Israeli apologist.

          4 months ago

          All I'm saying is, due to his self identified ethnicity and as a democratically elected politician, he has more to lose as a Jewish Person than almost any other democrat in congress. That matters. We're allowed to talk about that.

            4 months ago

            I said work on your reading comprehension, not dig yourself a deeper hole.

              • Raebxeh
                4 months ago

                You think you’re talking to Zionists here? That’s just sad

                  • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
                    4 months ago

                    The people saying the illegitimate settler-colonial Zionist entity is committing a genocide are secret Zionists? Wild strat

                      4 months ago

                      I know this may be shocking to most people here, but libs often have no idea what they're talking about. This one has seen the word "Zionist" seemingly used as an insult, and they don't understand the term beyond that, so they say "nu-uh! No U!" and think they've cleverly outwitted people.

                      I rarely see this outside of twitter, so this is a real treat!

                      • peeonyou [he/him]
                        4 months ago

                        This person understands libs. Thank you for your service! o7

                  • Raebxeh
                    4 months ago

                    Death to Israel, lib

                4 months ago

                Your reading comprehension is really very bad. You should work on it instead of embarrassing yourself like this.