• half_giraffe [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    The ability to openly, publicly complain about it without ending up disappeared or dead

    But this is only true if your speech doesn't embarrass or confront American empire. Like sure, you can post "Fuck Biden" on Twitter without an unmarked van of Feds snatching you up (which is also not what happens in China lmao), but that's a meaningless gesture that changes nothing. If you actually organize and agitate you get imprisoned or killed like the countless (mostly leftist) radicals throughout US history. Just within the past couple years we've had Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Daniel Hale as prime examples that freedom of speech only exists in the US so long as it is convenient for maintaining American empire.

    And this treatment isn't reserved just for people with state secrets - JT from the Deprogram podcast recounted how he got a visit from Feds investigating "Un-American activities" because he posted a video calling the CIA a terrorist organization. McCarthyism never ended in this country, and making up stories about how much worse it is in China and Russia doesn't change that.

    • swampfox [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      half of the reason the US "tolerates" some forms of dissent is to bait out ineffective and/or ridiculous dissent so that the press can pillory it to indirectly prop up the status quo.

      but yes, as you've said, effective criticisms at best don't get reported on, these days get outright censored, and at worst result in incarceration and death of the person.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Daniel Hale

      Sir, SIR! Are you aware that those people committed crimes? They should have gone through the proper channels to voice their concerns. If we don't respect the rule of law we'll end up with another January 6th!!!


    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      as prime examples that freedom of speech only exists in the US so long as it is convenient for maintaining American empire.

      Plus all the little people who got rounded up during 2020 and are facing god knows what charges for marching and protesting and maybe doing a little arson.