Every once in a while I get that ominous feeling that killing and specially making animals suffer just for me to eat meat, fish and lactose is extremely wrong, but then I kinda forget.

I kinda see myself hunting wild game though so it's weird.

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I do really resent "no true leftist" gatekeeping.

    I'd like to go vegetarian.

    I love eggs too much to be vegan.

    You're not going to convince many people to be class conscious if you immediately go at them for eating meat. I honestly think the left wide push for vegetarian/vegan lifestyle should take a back seat to much more important things. I don't particularly care about a chicken. I don't care if they like hugs. I care about people and a movement that has maaajor recruitment problems and is extremely weak as is.